In fact, Tap are so cool that they gave the secret away in the single from their reunion album, Break Like the Wind
And that’s the majesty or Rock,You see, only Spinal Tap have perfected the delicate balance of rock and roll.
The mystery of Roll.
There are thousands of bands that rock. Purple? They rock. Floyd rock. Zep? They totally rock.
But they don’t roll. And that’s why they never quite made it to Tap’s brilliance.
To their credit, at least Led Zeppelin know it. They have admitted as much. As the song goes,
“It’s been a long time since we rock and rolled.”Too true, Robert!
As Tap have explained, Roll is more mysterious and there are less bands who understand it. An obvious example is The Rolling Stones. The name says it all. They have Roll down pat.
But they don’t rock.
A lot of people will tell you the Stones rock, but they don’t. I mean, it’s not The Rock and Rolling Stones, it is? QED!
You can just imagine the discussion,
’Ere Mick, I think we forgot something.Only Spinal Tap have discovered the perfect combination of rock and roll. And they have put the formula out there for anyone who knows where to look for it.
- What’s that, Keef?
We forgot to rock.
- Ah, bollocks! You’re right.